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What are the uses of checking fixtures and measuring brackets?
Time:【2019-4-26】 Browse【2144】 【Print】【Back
On the production site of spare parts, the online inspection of spare parts is completed by checking fixtures. For this purpose, the accurate equipment of spare parts must be placed on the checking fixtures, and then the surface and periphery of spare parts should be inspected by visual inspection, measuring table or caliper. Also, the visual inspection of holes of different properties of parts and the connection orientation between parts and parts can be carried out by means of checking pin or visual inspection, and then ensure that the position of parts and parts can be inspected by visual inspection pin or caliper. Trial production and start-up production of finished parts quality status of rapid distinction.           

In this case, by visual inspection or measurement we can distinguish between the error between the size and shape of the parts and the relative orientation of the parts and the theoretical value of the inspection tools directly processed by CAD/CAM.          

Some of the main functional standards on parts can be compared, and checking fixtures can be used for numerical viewing. Normally, the exact coordinate values of parts can not be obtained directly by checking fixtures according to the body coordinate system, but the parts are placed on the checking fixtures and measured just by the coordinate measuring machine. The structure of modern checking fixture is designed to be able to be used as measuring bracket. However, when the online viewing function of the checking fixture is not satisfactory with that of the measuring support, the online viewing function of the checking fixture should be satisfied first.           

Measuring bracket is an assistant bracket when using coordinate measuring machine to view measuring parts in three coordinates. It is necessary to milling all supporting surfaces (points) and locating datum planes (points) according to the CAD data of parts. Some measuring supports of special parts should also have some functions of checking fixtures.           

Auto Fixture Standard Parts Company points out that the Fixture and Measuring Bracket can reasonably measure all the data of parts according to the product drawings and CAD data of the game, and can check and judge the Fixture and Measuring Bracket by means of the coordinate measuring machine. Under the normal operating frequency and excellent maintenance and protection, the service life of the checking fixture and measuring support should be ensured in the corresponding parts production cycle.

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